I am an industrial, UI/UX designer and illustrator of German-Filipino heritage based in Berlin. I love exhibitions, cooking (and eating), music jam sessions and all sorts of games. I would consider myself as an indoor child, but my dog usually knows how to get me to go outside and cultural trips around the world is what I dream of in my free time.



“Ich Liebe Formen.”

My aesthetics? On one hand, I show transparency, by not hiding the grid or construction. On the other hand, my favorite objects are puzzles. When tackling a design problem, my strategy is to reinterpret simple mechanisms and processes into a new medium or scenario. You can always expect a little bit of weirdness. Please, let me work with friction.

This is you:

An international team with multiple cultures and ethnicities. While I get along with fellow children of the late 80s early 90s, I noticed that I vibe extremely well with generation Z. I support the LGBTQ+ community, sustainability solutions, and anything that involves a social impact on developing countries. Having roots and having seen the slums of Manila, Philippines, I am still trying to get involved there. But I also really want to create games and meet people who like to be silly and don’t take everything so seriously.

Ich liebe Formen!

My Services.

What I do.

I design. That means I make concepts, 3D-model, construct + iterate, and illustrate. I consult. That means I manage projects, plan exhibitions and fairs, make financial plans for launching products, and communicate with your producers and manufacturers.

How I do it.

I keep all communication very transparent — neither pricing nor scheduled plans or other projects are a secret, but all are individualized. If you have an inquiry, please don’t hesitate to ask for a 15 to 20 minute talk to feel each other out. We can discuss details and drafts of an agreement afterwards.

Who I work with.

Some partners and clients from the past and present:

  • Anhalt Hochschule

  • Archimedes Exhibitions

  • the Arterlier (Design Studio in Basel, CH)

  • Burger Consulting Group CH (BCGCH)

  • Berliner Charité


  • BrandBrandNew UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

  • Copwatch Frankfurt

  • demig GmbH

  • Design Research Lab Berlin

  • HKW (Haus der Kulturen der Welt)

  • IBM Watson

[continued: clients + partners]

  • KAOS Berlin

  • mediale Pfade

  • MotionLab.Berlin / Berlin Tech Academy

  • Macromedia FH

  • Migrationhub Network Berlin

  • Native Instruments

  • Original Unverpackt

  • Studio Johanna Keimeyer

  • V. Rüter Antiquitäten

  • TCL Technology

  • TTC Informatik